User: lampahome

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User profile: lampahome

User info
User name:lampahome
Joined:May 21, 2020 at 3:51am
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Possible to replace member function to a noop function?
I write c++ with c++11 and have a question as title. Ex. class Hi { public: Hi(){}; tes...

Recommand async IO library/framwork?
I have a program to write data to multiple files and want to improve its performance. Then I thin...

Recommand async io library/framwork?
I have a program to write data to multiple files and want write different files in parallel. That...

memory allocation different when lookup in system monitor
I write a c program to allocate specific size of memory and free them in Ubuntu. Defaultly, it cr...

sort result is not what I thought
Thanks Ganado! [quote]What you wrote above is equivalent to: sort(begin(number), end(number), [](in...

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