User profile: gevCplus

User info
User name:gevCplus
Old user name:geovoulg
Joined:Dec 11, 2020 at 1:36pm
Number of posts:79
Latest posts:

count the number of distinct duplicated characters in a string
Thank you all. I solved it in a different way [code]int dc (string s) { int i, j, c=0, k=0; for (i...

return to original position commands
Thanks. However, how the following command "RF" which means right 90 degrees and forward one step, w...

return to original position commands
Hello guys, I have a problem kinda disturbing. Suppose I am at O(0,0) and I can go one step forward...

count the number of distinct duplicated characters in a string
Do you mean to use a set? Is there a method for strings to compare each character to the next one?

count the number of distinct duplicated characters in a string
Hello guys, Do you have any idea how to count the number of distinct duplicated characters that a...