User profile: fernando

User info
User name:fernando
Name:Fernando Poza Saura
Joined:Sep 22, 2007 at 5:53pm
Number of posts:22
Latest posts:

C++ today
Great! Thanks for your messages. After following your pointers now I have a better picture about wha...

C++ today
Hi everyone, I've been out of the scope from C++ for years and I would like to get back on it. I u...

too many loops
In general, when you don't know the number of times a loop is goint to be executed, you have to use:...

ltrim and rtrim as standard methods in string class
Yes, that's what I did. Either str_utils.h, console_io.h (which is my case) or any other possibility...

ltrim and rtrim as standard methods in string class
[quote]Just write a small helper function to do that[/quote] Yes, JLBorges, that's what I did, alth...