A connection problem

Aug 24, 2022 at 3:29pm
I do not know if this topic is related to lounge forum's topics! I hope I not bothering anyone by requesting a solution for my problem.

I just bought a TP-LINK router, and gave the wi-fi password to some neighbors. The problem is one of them reconfigure my router and changed the SSID name and password(Talking about a funny a situation). So I had to reset my router and configure it one more time, to get the control back to me again. You may figure it out, He did it again))))))))))))). So it grows in my mind to learn some skills. So I downloaded a free software(hopefully is not harmful to my computer) and tagged him. Now I want teach a lesson elegantly rather the black list him, which gonna be my last choice.

I want to learn couple things if you care to help me with this.

It seems you can get to the router setting only by visiting the address , so I am asking how to prevent others from reaching this address.

I will ask another question relation to this issue and c++ when/if i get a solution to this. Thank you very much for reading)
Aug 24, 2022 at 4:30pm
I just bought a TP-LINK router

Not a bad choice.

and gave the wi-fi password to some neighbors

I understand being neighborly, but when it comes to my home network and wi-fied internet I draw the line. I have a couple of guest accounts if I want someone to temporarily use my internet, they have considerable firewalls in place to prevent what happened to you.

I've Ethernet wired it to my internet gateway, along with with two wi-fi extenders that also provide wired hook-ups for my PCs that are in different parts of the house. I have a simple home network and internet access available with the setup. I share files back and forth between the PCs regularly. I also use the wi-fi sharing for internet access for my Fire tablets.

You should be able to reconfigure the IP address of your router, I can easily do it with my Linksys router and wi-fi extenders.

At worst NEVER give someone else you don't trust 100,000% your router's "root" password(s). :)

I've logged more than a few attempts by others trying to get into my network, nope, they ran into a digital brick-wall.

I changed the default IP addresses and passwords as soon as I got the network up and running. That was 6 years ago.

The biggest change was to change from dynamic IP addressing to using static.
Aug 24, 2022 at 9:02pm
One of the most important changes you can make is to ensure that your router does not accept connection attempts from outside IP addresses on port 80. I would also turn off access on port 443 from outside addresses unless you have have a very good reason to access your router's configuration from an outside IP address.
Aug 25, 2022 at 10:59pm
meh, if you want to mess with the guy, get a 30 year old router that is like 0.5MBPS and let him access it and use it all he wants :P A little playing and a small $ investment can get you really old and slow tech, like spread spectrum transceivers (remember those?!) or the like but you want something the hacker is going to notice and think is a real connection, that may not be seen by modern wifi. I dunno what the slowest thing you can provide would be, maybe you have to use a real wifi but connect its back end into a modem or the like. You could even fire it up unplugged, I guess, so he can see it but can't connect through it.

maybe nose around the web on the topic: https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/tips/ST05-003
Last edited on Aug 25, 2022 at 11:09pm
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