C++ Ide for Helicopter Game

Nov 23, 2021 at 11:57am
Your choice of IDE is entirely a matter of personal choice, and has no bearing on the outcome of the project.
If you can't finish the program, it won't be because you chose the wrong IDE.

There are at least 3 different IDE's which sport the "dev-c++" badge.
https://bloodshed.net/ Hopelessly out of date, last worked on XP/2000 (like 20 years ago)
https://sourceforge.net/projects/orwelldevcpp/ Somewhat out of date, but only 5 years.
https://www.embarcadero.com/free-tools/dev-cpp Seems fairly new.

The real trick is making sure whatever compiler and libraries you end up using are reasonably up to date.

The rest will be up to you.

Nov 23, 2021 at 12:50pm
sounds familiar to the 80s crowd as well.

eclipse is really sluggish and frustrating to use IMHO. Of your list, I would scrap that one but its your choice.
I prefer visual studio. Any reason not to list it?
Last edited on Nov 23, 2021 at 12:52pm
Nov 23, 2021 at 2:18pm
There is yet another fork of Dev C++, Red Panda Dev C++:


I personally prefer to use free tools if at all possible. Visual Studio would be my first choice, though it does gobble up a huge amount of HD space, and has what is probably the best debugger suite for Windows. Code::Blocks doesn't have as large an install footprint.

Debugging is just as important as writing and compiling code. Maybe more important.

I have both VS and C::B installed so I can test code with both compilers. Sometimes what works in one bombs in the other. Most times the code is fine.

No matter what IDE you do choose there is a learning curve for how to best use its features, how it organizes projects.
Nov 23, 2021 at 2:42pm
Another feature you SHOULD look for when deciding on a compiler/IDE is what C++ standard(s) it supports. The current standard is C++20, C++23 is being worked on.

C:B allows code to be compiled against all standards, from C++98 to C++20 (AKA C++2A). VS can't be set to any version less than C++14.

If'n getting VS consider getting VS 2022 over VS 2019. 2022 requires a 64-bit processor, 2019 can be used with a 32-bit processor.

C::B is also 32-bit.

They can create 32- and 64-bit apps from the same code.

If creating WinAPI GUI apps is something you might want to do then I really recommend VS hand down.
Nov 24, 2021 at 1:41am
Basically, one would like to have an IDE that is free and can do as much for one as possible.

I insist on having:

Built in support for version control such as git, not such a big fan of the other version systems;

Background compilation, so it will tell one about compile errors as one types;

Code snippets that are immediately accessible - don't want to do too much to invoke them. Ideally have them integrated into the auto completion system;

The ability to use different compilers such as g++ or clang++, ideally set up with different build configurations.

Some things should be there without having to ask:

Auto insertion of things that come in pairs, like braces, parentheses, angle brackets et al;

Auto formatting, as one types, and for sections of code or the whole file on demand;

Auto tabs into spaces.

Another handy thing, is to make use of software to draw diagrams such as UML which it can create c++ code from.
Nov 24, 2021 at 5:35am
OP is a copy/paste spambot pushing some "interview" website.
Original text here.
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