Anyone here familiar with LevelDB and/or Reindexer?

Aug 4, 2021 at 1:48am
I am a .NET developer trying to figure out how replicate something in c# that's being done in c++. The application in question is Pocketnet, a crypto-based social media platform that uses LevelDB to store its data. I have been able to query the data using a .NET library for LevelDB, but I cannot figure out how the data is stored. I know it's not encrypted because I can convert the byte arrays to UTF8 where I see a mix of readable strings and other binary characters like so:

@00005aebeb5296a69fbc69ae71bacc8e6ec1000d8f1728eb7725ca3f5ed9ed99���<��NJ""PUXjC4UxTCec4N4nCHoCYpp51zKUM2SZrZ*DaunScalaJonson0 8 @��NJJ Zrub j r[]z"PSEMWCPZdNwnHuxj4vavDAUzcSjkeMYxhM���

I believe the data is actually in some kind of binary serialization, and looking through the code base reveals that it uses Reindexer to serialize values. LevelDB support is difficult enough to find, but Reindexer is 10x more elusive as I've been to page three of Google over it.

I know nothing about c++ and have tried in vain to get the project running in debug mode in Visual Studio. Is anyone able to look at this data and figure out what is needed to deserialize it? Perhaps I can also use that knowledge to deserialize the data in its many other tables as well.

Here's the base64 of the byte array if anyone's interested:


Here is the object JSON:

      "address": "",
      "name": "",
      "id": 0,
      "i": "",
      "b": "[]",
      "r": "",
      "reputation": 0,
      "postcnt": 0,
      "rc": 0

This is the serializer class on Github:
Last edited on Aug 4, 2021 at 3:34pm
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