I'm trying to write a program that writes data to a disk in C++ without caring about it's file system. Here is what I can do so far:
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#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
usingnamespace std;
char buffer[] = "Wow! I'm writing this data to a disk without puttting it into a file!";
int main(){
int Disk=open("/dev/sdb",O_RDWR);
return 0;}
The C and C++ file functions work on bytes, which in the language is called a char.
Modify the bits of the characters (bytes) you read and/or write.
Hope this helps.
PS. I don't recommend blithely opening hard drives and writing data to them. There is no such thing as file-system agnostic. Either you obey the filesystem structure or you obliterate it. There is no other option.